In August 2021, Stephen received a diagnosis of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, a condition affecting joints and soft tissues. His specific type led to the development of brain aneurysms, necessitating ongoing monitoring with MRIs and CAT scans. Unfortunately, in February 2022, he was additionally diagnosed with aggressive brain cancer, likely stemming from prior radiation exposure. By August 2022, the cancer had progressed to Stage 4 Glioblastoma, deemed inoperable. Despite multiple rounds of radiation and chemotherapy yielding temporary relief, subsequent challenges emerged. In October, surgical intervention addressed a ruptured aneurysm, yet battling the cancer remains paramount.
Recent circumstances compelled us to explore every avenue, leading to an experimental treatment regimen not covered by insurance. This innovative approach integrates three modalities, aiming to eradicate or at least stall Glioblastoma growth. His medical team endeavors to navigate the delicate balance between managing Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and combating cancer, but viable options dwindle.
For those acquainted with Stephen, his altruism defines him. From volunteering at The Hands of Hope Food Pantry since childhood to organizing charity events during college, his benevolence knows no bounds. He embodies kindness, intellect, resilience, and love, an indispensable presence in our lives.
